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Hitting Restaurant Labor Targets Shouldn’t Mean Cutting Staff
Hitting labor targets does not always mean that restaurants have to reduce their staff. In many cases, that approach comes at the expense of sales. Learn another method for building labor plans that offers more flexibility and predictability.
Found Money: Labor & Sales Planning Are Two Sides Of The Same Coin
There’s a thin line at restaurants between understaffing and overstaffing. For most stores, though, there’s little bandwidth to spend hours scrutinizing numbers in pursuit of the perfect labor-and-sales mix. That’s why we developed a new approach.
Managing A Restaurant: Expectations vs. Reality
Imagine a career where the demands of the job are largely detached from what it is you’re being graded on. That is what managing a restaurant is like for too many people. It’s time to acknowledge the problem and solve it.
Financial Literacy In Restaurants Matters
The key to a high-functioning restaurant is unlocking access to data and making it available to staff in a timely manner. The most successful operators emphasize this in their restaurants.